It’s been a while since I posted here. But now, more than ever, I have things to talk about. On October 14, 2014, Christina and I welcomed our beautiful twin boys to the world, Zachary and Julian. It was a day both wonderful and stressful, amazing and terrifying. Most days since then have been the same.
It’s been almost three months since then and the little guys are now experts at smiling, eating, and peeing. They also excel at stealing my sleep time, and free time, and time in general. But it’s worth it.
This site isn’t turning into baby central, I promise. For that, you have to know me and friend me on Facebook. But you will see the occasional Brownell boy post, particularly if they do something awesome or adorable.
My focus will be on saying something with meaning, something worth saying. To me, anyway. You all may still find it quite boring. And that’s fine. My next post will be about heart defects, in particular the one my boy Zachary was born with and the experience we went through to fix it.